The main purpose of this website is to display our extensive collection of photos of travel, nature, and people from all over the world. There are several ways you can view and interact with our photos.
Our website is organized by galleries - collections of photos that are related to each other by a similar location or subject. There is a general hierarchy with nested subgalleries made up of photos that relate to their parent gallery. The highest level is made up of gallery catalogs that list subgalleries with the very highest being the Main Gallery Catalog. Each gallery displays small thumbnail images of each photo. When you 'mouse over' or click/touch on a photo, a larger preview image will appear with ordering, enlargement, lightbox and more options. The entire gallery structure is always displayed and available in the sidebar at the left side of the screen (except when on a mobile device - just click on the blue menu icon in the upper left).
A special tool found only on the home page lists our Featured Galleries in a dropdown column list at the right side of the screen. You can also access them from the 'Our Photos' dropdown menu. This is a collection of the latest galleries to be posted to our site and so represent the newest photos on our website. In the upper right area of our regular galleries you will also see a button that opens in a similar dropdown column list of galleries that are related to the current gallery.
Our showcase galleries comprise a collection of galleries that represent the highlights of our website. If you just have a few minutes to visit, we recommend you start here.
Another tool for handling photos on this website is your lightbox. You can use it to store photos from this website that you find interesting. You'll need to sign up for an account in order to keep it permanently. The results will be displayed in a regular gallery page with the same preview images and options and the ability to delete or change the position of each photo.
You can also do a photo search by keyword(s). The results will be displayed in a regular gallery page with the same preview images and options.
The galleries help is just one of a suite of help documents that provide instructions on how to use all of the features on this website.
Contact us for more information or questions you might have.